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The inspection of land in Chechnya

Servicemen of the engineer-sapper company of the Southern Military District carried out an inspection of 35 hectares of agricultural land in Chechnya in order to clean them from explosive objects.

On April 1, sappers of the Southern Military District began to carry out the tasks of clearing and clearing the area in Kurchaloevsky, Achkhoy-Martanovsky, Urus-Martanovsky and Sernovodsky districts of the Chechen Republic. In total, it is planned to check more than 900 hectares.

The personnel of the sapper units performs tasks in protective suits of the sapper OVR-2 Sokol. For mine clearance, military personnel use the IMR-2 obstacle clearing vehicles, NR-900EK3M “Eagle” Non-linear junction detectors and modern PPO-2I mine detectors.

More than 15 units of military equipment, as well as calculations of mine-search dogs, are involved in mine clearance.